慶應義塾體育會蹴球部 創部125周年記念事業



1. 我が国ラグビーの発展に貢献する有為な人材の育成をさらに推し進めるべく、永続的なチーム強化に必要なインフラを整備する


1. 創部125周年記念式典・祝賀会
2. 日吉下田ラグビーグランド整備事業(基礎工事・人工芝張替、その他強化環境整備)
3. 持続的な慶應ラグビーの発展と地域社会への貢献に資する取組み





慶應義塾に於けるラグビーはそのまま日本ラグビーの発祥であります。 1899年9月、三田山上の秋の日溜まりに無期に過ごす学生たちを見つめていた英語教授 E.B.クラーク氏が「この子たちにラグビーの展開味を教えてあげられたら」との想い から丁度ケンブリッジ大学への留学から帰ったばかりの田中銀之助氏に相談して、その助 けを借りて学生たちを集めてラグビーをご教示なさったものであります。1930年その折、 京都帝国大学に転じておられたE.B.クラーク教授からの創部30周年の記念式典に寄 せられた書簡でその史実が審らかになります。

I introduced rugby to the men of my then classes at Keio Gijuku because they seemed to have nothing to occupy them out-of-doors in the after-summer and winter days. The young fellows loitered around wasting the hours and the lonely autumn weather. I thought if I could get them interested in rugger their hours during their free afternoons would not be so long and wearisome. My Japanese was too rough and ready, my vocabulary far too scant to explain the fine points of the game, so I asked my friend Tanaka Ginnosuke (the first president of the Japan Rugby Football Union who had returned from England after completing a course at Cambridge University) to come to my help, which he did with great readiness and enthusiasm, and so the game was started. I still have somewhere the photograph of the players of those pioneer days, with Inokuma, J. Sano, Matsuoka and others. When the Prince of Wales visited Kyoto, I was presented to him and had the honour of a short chat, and I showed him the photograph which gave him much interest.
